The White Rose Foundation is supported solely by the generosity of donations and the modest revenue derived from its educational offerings. All donations are fully tax deductible. Even the most modest contributions have allowed the Foundation to function with dignity since its inception, offering experiences of prayer, education and service, on behalf of all peoples.
The White Rose Foundation was established in 1995 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit under the laws of The United States of America.
We invite your prayer, practice, participation, and support, both spiritual and material, of the White Rose Foundation.
Donations make everything we do possible. Fundraising for The White Rose Foundation continues and is ongoing. We need and request any financial support you can offer for our charitable projects, annual operating expenses and very modest salaries. Many of the donations received go out quietly in charitable projects and services.
To provide financial assistance in support of the Foundation, you may do so online, or by check sent to the Foundation's address below. We deeply appreciate your support. All donations received are optimized with integrity and care.
The White Rose Foundation
Box 143309
Las Colinas Station
Irving TX 75014-3309
The Friends of Beth fund was established by friends who wish to directly support Beth's life and ongoing work. Working quietly on a daily basis she addresses any request or any soul crossing her path and travel is occasionally necessary to accomplish her work in prayer for mankind.
If you would like to support Beth and her work, donations may be made to the address above (checks payable to The White Rose Foundation with "Friends of Beth" noted in the memo line) or by donation.