12 DECEMBER 2023
Dear Friends,
As I noted in October of this year, we hold our blessings to be too many petals of God's Roses to count, whether moments of ease or of difficult challenge, with humble and committed virtue in life, as we are able, each day, every night, at all moments- at all breaths. May you and yours be protected, safe and well, guided, blessed in all ways, at this Season and toward the New Year; and may all of Humankind be.
There are too many thorns, so much argument, and not enough harmony in this modern period, as we address the ethics of the World. Power and greed are righteously maneuvered through sociopolitical and Faith systems, arguing 'us against them', 'them against us', 'me against you', you against me.'
Do we safely birth a child? Of which nation, of which Faith? Where, when?
And how do we embody for them a Human life?
These questions are before the Human Race, as we each and all address this classroom of Civilization and of the Earth. Let us pray and practice.
Please find our schedule for 2024 below.
Elizabeth Anne Hin, President
Blaine Glass, Director
The White Rose Foundation
A Day of Prayer and Practice for Humanity and our Earth
Saturday, 17 August 2024, 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
White Dove Herbal Sanctuary
136 Morse Road, Montpelier, Vermont 05602
Everyone is invited to Monthly Contemplations and to Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn Retreats offered on SoundCloud's online audio platform. There is no charge for these offerings. However, donations are the support structure of our modest work. To engage, please visit our website at and go to our Audio Offerings and Books page. By clicking the 'Latest tracks' in the upper left corner of the screen, one can access all of our offered audio recordings.
Winter Retreat
1-5 January
Spring Retreat
1-5 April
Summer Retreat
1-5 July
Autumn Retreat
Monday, 4 November– Friday, 8 November
16 January
13 February
12 March
16 April
14 May
11 June
16 July
13 August
17 September
15 October
12 November
17 December